Steve Harvey rebroadcast a story about three sister in their
50s looking for Mr. Right. I heard them say they made wrong mistakes…as opposed
to right mistakes. Most mistakes start out wrong, but when lessons are learned
and are never repeated, they can be valuable. These sisters claimed they wanted
certain traits in their men. Most of the descriptive attributes lacked depth.
Although some could legitimately be plausible, I think the definitions are
grossly misrepresented. As I listened to what they desired I found synonyms
that matched their objectives, which may explain why they’ve made so many wrong
mistakes and why most of their dates came across as jerks. For instance, they
asked for charismatic (a.k.a., sociopath), debonair (ornate), in charge (self-centered,
bullies), classy (arrogant) and confident (overbearing) guys. When writing, “How to Depolarize Your Jerk Magnet” I
found many women erroneously using these terms to describe what they wanted,
but usually got the traits I noted instead. This blog shares how to reframe these
desired character traits so that healthier relationships are possible. Being
attracted to bad boys is not going to work out well and using character flaws
as your foundation guarantees the relationship will crumble. Below we will look at the propaganda society uses
to paint the personality canvas, but you’ll have to decide what brush strokes you
Charismatic = compelling or captivating, which implies a
magnetic draw toward something powerful. It’s a force greater than you to be
reckoned with. It envelops you. Anything that zaps your power source and drains
you is problematic. You lose your oomph. With a little cognitive reframing,
charismatic can mean fascinating or alluring which allows you to maintain self
without sacrifice. It’s when the two élans (his & yours) combine and
generate greater energy. The power is complimentary—your energy matters and
contributes to the spark. Decide whether you’ll be his captive audience (trapped
with a sociopath) or hold the key to self-reliance?
Debonair = well groomed or polished, which shines with
brilliance on the outside but often tarnishes over time. Glitter doesn’t always
mean gold and when it dulls the lust in luster is lost. Taking a closer look at
the ordinary could help you find extraordinary as healthy people gleam from the
inside out. The false images are smoke and mirrors and it’s a guarantee he’ll
blow smoke up your skirt. If you’re just looking for eye candy (ornate) know
that debonair is like gum…it loses its flavor! There is nothing wrong with
wanting someone courteous and cultured so long as he’s genuine. We can all
learn a lot from acculturating but make sure he’s not plastic and disingenuous.
In charge = egotistical, apathetic where he’s unwilling to
share and play well with others. In charge means there’s one leader and the
rest are his flunky followers. Oh sure, if you don’t want to take
responsibility for your life, in charge is the answer. But then who are you and
what do you have to offer? Your opinions, your voice and your thoughts will be
squashed like an irritating bug. By buying into this crooked thinking you are
erased—wiped off the planet—eradicated. Then when this in-charge guy
(self-centered bully) bails on you for being a nobody in his perfect eyes, he’ll
rip a huge hole in your heart. He won’t look back or regret his choice, as he
knows there are more flunkies than he can boss around. If you’re looking for
someone to carry some of your load that is teamwork—a partnership. The support
you gain can turn things around without actually turning your life over.
Classy = fashionable and exclusive which can be temporary
and fade with the season. Dating classy (arrogant) guys can eliminate potential
partners who have potential. Make sure you understand the definition of classy
as some feign class by putting on airs and being pretentious. Classy in its
true sense means tasteful and refined, a refreshing and redeeming quality so
long as it’s authentic. Do you want to be with someone who thinks he’s better
than other or compares himself to them? If he measures his worth by what he has
rather than who he is that’s not class... it’s uncertainty. Fortunes come and
go but truly classy people inherently possess grace and acceptance toward
Confident = self-possessed which can mean that he might be a
know-it-all. Sometimes people see hard chargers as confident (overbearing)
because they are fearless. They are unafraid of anything including running you
over if you stand in their way. It is important to define what confidence
really means to you as even bullies appear confident…but they aren’t. They just
act tough to demonstrate prowess. A confident person brags on the inside not on
the outside. So if your man boasts he’s not confident, he’s insecure. If he has
to shout from the mountaintop his accomplishments his worth is based on keeping
score, which means there has always got to be a loser.
Finally, what these women on Steve’s show admitted was that they
had strong personalities (confrontational & adversarial) and that they needed
men who can handle them (confrontational & adversarial). Talk about wrong
mistakes! Wittingly wanting someone who can banter with them makes this a
disaster waiting to happen. Reframing this cognitive distortion perhaps would
mean they really wanted someone who can appreciate, respect and regard that
they have something to say and offer to the world. If strong personalities are
represented as adversarial then that’s what you get! You can’t fight with
In closing, I want to say how much I admired these women for
their candor and for representing all the other jerk magnets in the world who
are looking for love in all the wrong places. Sadly, their responses are
typical and, all too often accepted, by women. Their misguided interpretations of
Mr. Right closely align with how other women explain their relationship
dilemmas and why so many terrific, talented and beautiful women get stuck with
Mr. Never Right, Mr. Please Make Him Right or Mr. Right Now. This information
is equally important for men who find themselves engaging with women who are
hurtful and cruel.
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