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Monday, October 13, 2014

Emotionally Attractive=Enthusiastic & Jovial

Being emotionally attractive beams from the inside out when we are enthusiastic. The energy bounces all over the place. Enthusiasm is contagious and can light up the room. Being jovial makes people feel jolly and joyous. Showing enthusiasm for our partners validate not only them but also the relationship as a whole. When people feel regarded the likelihood is they’ll respond favorably to the gesture. Everyone wants to believe they matter—that somehow they are significant. Enthusiasm motivates and inspires—it’s what every healthy relationship needs to sustain its viability. When was the last time you demonstrated enthusiasm for your mate? What happened in your relationship that made you jump for joy and shout your enthusiasm from the rooftop? Can you remember the last effort you made to make your partner feel special? Relationships are like sporting events: you need to cheer them on. Have a surprise party, take your partner on a surprise getaway or simply bring breakfast to bed and watch old movies together. Enthusiasm means awareness and gratitude and remember you get what you give if you’re in the right relationship.

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